domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

¿Qué es la economía de medios?

entenderemos Economía de Medios como el estudio de cómo la industria de los medios de comunicación utiliza recursos escasos para producir contenido que será distribuido entre consumidores para satisfacer variados deseos y necesidades (Albarran, 2002)

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

una bibliografía para empezar ... sugerencias??

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Dewenter, R. (2003) The Economics of media Markets, discussion paper No10, department of economics, Universitat der bundeswehr hamburg

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George L. (2006) What’s fit to print: the effect of ownership concentration on product variety in daily newspaper markets, Working paper, City university of New York city

George, L. and Waldfogel, J. (2000) Working paper 7944, NBE Research

Kang, J., (2007) Institutional Determinants of the Structure of the Daily Newspaper Industry: A Cross-Country Study, annual meeting of the International Communication Association

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Lacy, S. and Martin, H. (2004) Competition, circulation and advertising, newspaper research journal

Meir, W. (2002) Media ownership – Does it matter? Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions & Intervention, Delft University Press

Rosse, J.N. (1967) Daily Newspapers, Monopolistic Competition, and Economies of Scale, American Economic Review

Van Kranenburg, H. (2001) Economic effects of consolidations of publishers and newspapers in the Netherlands, The Journal of media economics